Friday, May 17, 2013


My poor baby has been constipated these past few days. Jay began to only poop every two days (which is so sad and really bad) he hasn't pooped since last Sunday and just yesterday marked four days without going and when he finally went I had to help him push and I could tell it hurt because he almost cried. Ah! That broke my heart. Since he has T21 and people with T21 have much smaller intestines, if he gets backed up too much he can possibly rupture his rectume and that would lead to having to have surgery. I called his doctor and gladly enough we got an appointment for next week and I hope the doctor recommends something. I stopped breastfeeding (which I hate) because I thought that's what was constipating him. I went from breastfeeding to breastfeeding with some formula feeding to some breastfeeding and mostly formula feeding to just formula feeding. I've just changed his formula and I boiled some prunes and gave him some which gladly kick started his bowel movement for yesterday. I just hate to see my little handsome in such discomfort. Imagine going three days without pooping and how uncomfortable that would be and now imagine a little three month old feeling that. Ugh! That's horrible.

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