Saturday, May 18, 2013


So lately, Jay has been talking so much more which makes me the happiest mama alive! Now today was a great day because after we came back from the zoo and lunch he began playing with his feet, which is HUGE! I am so happy and proud because I've been waiting for him to do so- not only that but my sweet little boy has been holding his bottle, as well as, he's been holding his head up! Ah! I honestly didn't know how proud I would feel with him doing so. Jay is such a bright little soul and I'm so happy to see some progress going on with him. Although, his bowel movements have yet to be normal (which we have a doctors appointment for on Monday) I'm still very hopeful that the formula change will help, as well as, him drinking an ounce of water. You don't even know how excited I get when I just THINK he's having a bowel movement. Other than that, Jay has been making so much progress with hitting his milestones. I'm so proud and forever blessed.

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